‘Origins of the Winds’ is a Alaskan, Inuit tale exploring the journey of a mystically
born doll who lets the winds into Alaska, bringing prosperity. For the spot illustration, the focus is on the couple, who eventually become the doll’s parents, on their desire
for a child. The couple are situated in front of a fire, who have reflected back their
desire for a child in the fire to represent this. To suggest this is a reflection, is by
having the couple facing away from the viewer to suggest a dream-like state. The
next illustration is a double page spread of when the doll first explores letting in
the winds. Although both illustrations are mixed media, the foam printing
technique for the hills and snow, lends itself well to the effect of snow being
on the earth. In addition, expressive, loose coloured pencil markings help
emphasise the harsh, bitter, blizzard-like conditions the story is set in.
Double page spread design
Spot illustration design